Our Mission, Volunteering:
Historic Church Conservancy
The Steeple Event & Conference Center is owned and operated by the Historic Church Conservancy of Fremont County, a non-profit 501(c)-3 corporation.
Our Mission
“The mission of the Historical Church Conservancy of Fremont County is to reimagine the use of one of the oldest churches in Fremont County to enrich the lives of its residents by providing a venue for the arts, and events that educate, inform, and celebrate our community.”
It is our aim to preserve, protect, and advance historic church buildings which represent our national heritage of fine architecture and craftmanship by broadening their utility, user base, and funding base.
We believe these historic buildings represent the character, pride in quality workmanship, work ethic, and dedication to a higher purpose. These attributes have been the foundation of the United States of America’s strength through the years and serves as a reminder of who we are as a people and that which we honor and treasure.
Volunteers Dan and Seth work on a media project.
If you are interested in creating policies and goals while contributing to our operation by occasionally working events or offering skilled labor, we are recruiting dedicated contributors with talents to offer. A position is currently open for a Treasurer position. Please inquire for more information if you are interested in serving in this capacity.
A significant portion of funding for major building renovation projects is planned to come from philanthropic foundations. If you are a proficient writer, have grant writing skills, experience, and a passion for preserving historical buildings and community service, there is plenty of rewarding work to do in this area.
We take care of historic buildings, providing all the preservation, restoration, repurposing, remodeling, maintenance and repair they require. Volunteer Framers, Trim Carpenters, Plaster Repair, Drywallers, Wood Restorers, Painters, Landscapers, Concrete Finishers, Stone Masons, and more go a long way towards helping us achieve our mission and stay within our minimal budget.
Events don’t just happen by themselves. Our volunteers accomplish great things and have a lot of fun doing the behind-the-scenes work of hosting: setup and tear down, tech support, event greeting and ushering, kitchen service and banquet serving, and everything else required to make these events a success. Our partners who organize large events are requested to provide their own following of volunteers ready to help our dedicated volunteers.